Lucky Lantern Tangerine is a compact cultivar, originally raised in Australia and part of a series comprising four colour variations, with a lovely bushy habit and a proliferation of open bell shaped flowers in a striking shade of peachy orange or, as the name would suggest, tangerine. Good in a pot and remarkably cold hardy, perhaps more than suggested below.
Hardy to around 0C to -5C. Sun or semi-shade. Any reasonable soil. 50 cm to 100 cm.
We grew this variety a few years back when it was subject to PBR in the UK (it no longer is) and have only this year (2023) acquired a new plant from which to propagate.
Abutilon Lucky Lantern Tangerine is a half hardy compact evergreen shrub with pendant vivid orange bell shaped flowers in spring, summer and autumn.
Abutilon Lucky Lantern Tangerine will be available from Paddock Plants.